• 14 th Internatıonal Management and Social Sciences Conference, January 24-26, 2025
    • 14 th Internatıonal Management and Social Sciences Conference January 24-26, 2025

Publication Ethics and Malpractise Statement

International Journal of Management And Social Researches Publication Ethics and Malpractise Statement


     Publication and Authorship

  • International Journal of Management and Social Researches adheres to the highest standards and ensures that all papers are subject to a strict review process from at least two international colleagues /experts in the field.
  • The publication takes into account the originality of the work, its significance, sound underlying principles and relevance. Reviewers also take into account its readability and language.
  • The research work reported in the paper should not have been published or have been submitted to another publication. It should be included in only one publication.
  • The Editors’ decisions are: acceptance, acceptance with revision, or rejection.
  • Authors that agree to revise and re-submit their paper should be aware that there is no guarantee that the revised version will be accepted.
  • Rejected articles will not be re-reviewed.
  • The paper acceptance may be constrained by legal requirements, including legal copyright infringements and plagiarism

 Authors’ Responsibilities

  • Authors guarantee that their manuscripts are their original work.
  • Authors must certify that the paper has not been previously published.
  • Authors must also certify that the manuscript is not considered for publication elsewhere.
  • All authors listed in the paper must have contributed significantly to its contents.
  • Authors must state that all information and data in the paper are real and authentic.
  • Authors must let the Editors know of any conflict of interest.
  • Authors ought to give proper reference identifying all sources used in their work or reported in their manuscript.
  • Authors must respond to the reviewer promptly and appropriately.
  • Authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes if necessary.
  • Authors must promptly report to the Editors any errors found in their manuscript during the review process as well as after publication.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

  • All information regarding papers is to be kept confidential.
  • They ought to act objectively, without personal criticism of the authors.
  • Reviewers should point out relevant published work which has not been referred to by the authors.
  • Reviewers ought to call to the attention of the Editors any similarities between the paper under review and any other that they are aware of.
  • Reviewers should point out to the Editors any conflict of interest that may occur.
  • Reviewers should express their views clearly and indicate the reasons for them.
  • Reviewers should comment on the clarity of the manuscript as well as the scientific contents.

Editors’ Responsibilities

  • Editors have ultimate responsibility for the acceptance or rejection of any papers.
  • Editors are responsible for the contents and quality of the publication.
  • Editors should guarantee the quality of the paper and the integrity of the academic research.
  • Editors will base their decisions solely on the papers originality and importance, including its relevance to the publication’s scope.
  • Editors should not reverse their decision nor overturn the ones of previous editors without a special reason, in which case further reviews may be required.
  • Editors will preserve the anonymity of the reviewers.
  • Editors will accept a paper when reasonably certain that it fulfils the code of ethics and malpractice.
  • Editors will act promptly if they suspect misconduct and endeavour to make all reasonable attempts to resolve the matter.
  • Editors will ensure that the material published conforms to internationally accepted, ethical guidelines including having a clear picture of research funding sources.
  • Editors should not allow conflicts of interest to take place between authors, reviewers and other Board Members.